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From Johannesburg:

Enter Kimberley, passing the Shell Ultra City on your left.  Pass over two fly-overs.  At the second robot AFTER the fly-overs, turn left (road signs show Cape Town).  Continue on this winding road.  You will pass Kia dealership on your right, then Mohawk Spur, Protea Hotel, Kimberley Hospital-  all on your right.  Keep driving-  on your left you will pass a Discovery Financial Planner office.  At the next robot (at Halfway House Hotel) turn right into Carrington Way.  Continue over one 4-way stop signs,  at the next one turn right into Dalham Road.  Approximately 100 meters further turn left into narrow service road-  44 Villa Palma will be on your left.


From Cape Town:

Enter Kimberley, passing Toyota dealership and Caltex Service Station on your right.  At this intersection turn right into McDougall Road.  Continue on this read, until you reach a T-junction.  At this T-junction take slipway left, and continue past the Diamond Pavilion on your left.  Further on turn right into Carrington Way- it’s the third road right after Diamond Pavilion.  Continue to first 4-way stop.  Turn left at this stop and left again after about 100 meters into narrow service road- 44 Villa Palma will be on your left.


From Bloemfontein (or Kimberley airport):

Enter Kimberley, after passing the Airport on your left.  Pass over two fly-overs, continue straight past the Diamond Pavilion on your left.  Further on turn right into Carrington Way - it’s the third road right after Diamond Pavilion.  Continue to first 4-way stop.  Turn left at this stop and left again after about 100 meters into narrow service road- 44 Villa Palma will be on your left.


From Kimberley CBD:

Take Bultfontein Road (N8/N12) towards Cape Town.  Pass Shell Civic Service station on your right and following that Sol Plaatjes Univerisity main building on the same side. Bultfontein Road becomes Dalham Road; continue straight passing Boys High School grounds and enter circle at Honoured Dead War Memorial.  Exit circle at second exit road, passing Diamantveld rugby fields on your left.  After recreational park on your right take second turn right into narrow service road- 44 Villa Palma will be on your left. (do not turn into Milner Road immediately next to the recreation park).


Please ring the bell at the entrance door so we can open for you.


Contact us for any enquiries, availability and reservations.

44 Carrington Way, Kimberley, 8301

Tel: 082 789 2887

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